Varai Stores is committed to deliver your order with good quality packaging. To ensure that your order reaches you in good condition, we ship through reputed courier companies.
If there is no courier service available in your area, we will ship your items through Government Registered Speed post.
International shipping times will vary depending on the shipping operator and country of delivery.
We are not accepting International Orders on this site currently. International clients may email us ( and we will help them with processing orders offline.
Shipping and handling rates may vary based on product, packaging, size, volume, type and other considerations. The shipping and handling charges are given at the time of check out and consumers will know about this before making payments.
For International Clients:
Customs and import taxes
Buyers are responsible for customs and import duties that may apply in their home country. We will not refund any money on account of customer not accepting delivery on this account of such duties. We are also not responsible for delays caused by local custom authorities.
If you think, you have received a product which is damaged, you can email us at within 24 hours with your Order ID. We will personally ensure that a brand new replacement is issued to you. Please make sure that the original product tag and packing is intact when you send us the product back.
We take lots of effort to display the colours of our products as accurately as possible. However, when viewed on different digital screens, the end result may vary.
Our products are handmade, there will be slight difference from the actual picture.
Product charge and shipping charge are non-refundable. All sales are final and non-exchangeable.